Distribution and retail sales are currently the major activities in the
advanced countries and are quickly growing in all the emerging markets.
The storeisopen.org mission is the research, the experimentation and the deployment
of software solutions and radiofrequency technologies (e.g. RFID ) for the retail
business, finalised to improve customer service level reducing time and cost along
the value chain, according to the principles of the Lean Supply Chain.
In our name is embedded our philosophy: the "Store - IS - Open" means, of course,
what it means, and refers to our capacity to support the retail in its strategy of
domestic and global expansion achieved trough the continuous opening of new stores,
but also means "Open Information System for the Store" suggesting one of the main
feature of our systems that are open, meaning that our customer have the full
access to the source and that they have not to pay license fee to use most of them,
deserving all the investments to the activities that really produce value.
In the philosophy that inspires all the storeisopen.org activities is the research
of the value as customer define it. The understanding of the customer and of the
customer's customer value - the value chain - is the basis to develop effective
and useful solutions, and this is the starting point of all our activities.
storeisopen.org believe that openly cooperate with customers and partners create
an added value for everybody, while this result can be achieved with more difficulty
in the traditional and competing environment of the Commercial Information tecnology.
The synergy between industry and technology specialists working in the same team is
the best strategy for successful projects. For this reason storeisopen.org, is open
to collaboration with reliable domestic and international partners providing business
and technology knowledge and supporting deployment of our systems worldwide.
The Project management experience of our senior members grants to customers the final result.
storeisopen.org the clever solution for the evolving retail