Gartner Analyzes Hottest Topics of 2005: L'Open Source
"By 2010, IT organizations in Global 2000 companies will consider Open Source
products in 80 percent of their infrastructure-focused software investments
and 25 percent of their business software investments."
Open Source breaks the software barriers in retail and distribution. The barriers
imposed by software vendors on the modification and free distribution of the software,
together with the cost of licenses often pose serious limits to development of
a single global information system, distributed and integrated, prerequisite for
improvement of efficiency and cost reduction in a global supply chain.
Think to the complexity (and to the cost) of a contract that allows the use of
the software to different ever-changing organisation in different countries, as in
the case of chain that operate globally and in franchising. Open Source software,
freely available on a global market, make it possible to definitely break these barriers.
The Open Source software is freely available to use, modify and re-distribute.
Usually has low license cost and often the license of use is free of charge. Source
code are available to the customer and can be used to build more complex solutions, that
can than be freely re-distributed (for more information on Open Source concept refer
to www.opensource.org,
for the market perspective see
Gartner link in this page ).
The storeisopen.org objective is the mapping of the referential model for retail and
distribution with Open Source software mostly already available, partially to develop,
in partnership with customer organisations that agree to use them in their business.
The core of the solution has been identified in Compiere (
www.compiere.com), to whom
can be integrated specific solutions for wireless material flow HSCLeanFlow (
and for Business Intelligence (to be identified). The Core solutions can be
integrated with Wireless, RFID and C-commerce technology, on a project basis, based on
specific customer requirements (see case studies).
The main advantages of the storeisopen.org approach are:
availability of a global solution in 24 languages supported in 30 country by local partner at zero license cost, with a significant saving on the initial investment
no dependence on software vendor and on its sales and company policies
control over key software trough availability of the source code and the right to use it grant to employee and company partners
availability of professional partners in storeisopen.org and around the world, able to support the customer in the achievement of its objective and to develop the solution according to specific target market needs
storeisopen.org the clever solution for the evolving retail