The customer, one of the most important sport brand at World-wide level, now belongs to a multinational that controls about
20 international companies with offices in Europe, United Stated and Asia that create, develop, produce and distribute apparel and footwear.
As a consequence of the increase of sales volume and of the greater spread on the territory at world-wide level, the customer company management felt
the necessity to implement an informative system that would allow to effectually manage orders so as to plan and monitor sales.
Since 2001 C System collaborates at the development of GPCS, a management system based on SAP technology born in
1999 with the aim of simplifying the exchange of information between central offices, subsidiaries and distributors and of facilitating sales and production monitoring.
GPCS manages all the information about purchase and sale orders: demand planning, production planning, order planning and order management.
Through GPCS, subsidiaries all over the World order apparel and footwear articles to the headquarter.
These orders are processed and turned into purchase orders that will be managed and monitored by GPCS.
Next step, now under implementation, has been the introduction of Web Based systems that allow suppliers,
subsidiaries and the internal employees the online access to real time data.
The solution proposed by C System is Web GPCS, a Web Based Application developed personalizing csgManager, the business informative system made by C System.
Web GPCS allows suppliers to access the Web Site and, logging in with their username and password,
to visualize purchase orders referred to their factory, to check the status, and, where permitted,
to make changes on them (these changes will have to be accepted by headquarter).
Moreover GPCS is the platform used for the assistance service: authorized users can login and signal problems or assistance requests related to the use of
Web GPCS, GPCS and all the SW tools developed by C System.
The integration between GPCS and Web Based systems addressed to supplier and subsidiaries allows to manage in an efficient and effective way the whole order life cycle.
Using a unique instrument, data are always aligned and updated, this allows time compression and cost reduction.
The online assistance service makes it possible to manage in a centralized way all the problems connected to
Informative tools so that C System consultants can work on a single common tool to manage all assistance request and users can monitor requests status.
storeisopen.org the clever solution for the evolving retail